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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Veggie Garden - Week 2

I'm a week late with this post - but here's an update on my garden's growth!

My cucumber plant's first bloom!

Basil + jalapeƱo pepper plant

2 varieties of hot pepper - Vaquero & Pinata

From L to R:  snacking pepper, eggplant, oregano, basil and beets (not up yet)

Tomatoes, jalapeƱos, chives & cukes

Lots & lots of eggplant, peppers & beefy boy tomato!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The veggie garden is well under way...

I finally finished planting my vegetable garden - now if Mother Nature would cooperate and give us a little rain.  Here are a few shots of some of the things I planted: