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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Super Inspiring "Sexy" Chick

Recently, I read an article about Kris Carr and I was inspired, to say the least.  On Valentine's Day in 2003, she was diagnosed with a very rare, Stage 4 Cancer.  Since her diagnosis, she's changed her lifestyle and started listening to her inner voice.  She follows a completely "plant-passionate" diet and has a recipe book titled Crazy Sexy Kitchen.  I haven't checked it out yet, but I plan to ASAP.

Chickpeas and Spicy Dandelion Greens!

It's been a little quiet on the Plant Based Happiness blog over the past month.  We've had some exciting things happening in our lives ~ we got engaged last month (YAY!) and we've been partially renovating our favorite room in the house - the kitchen!  Future pictures of recipes will proudly feature our new granite counter tops.